data WeightCharacterTuple = WeightCharacterTuple {
weight :: Int,
character :: Char
}deriving (Show)
instance Eq WeightCharacterTuple where
(WeightCharacterTuple a _) == (WeightCharacterTuple b _) = a==b
instance Ord WeightCharacterTuple where
(WeightCharacterTuple a _) > (WeightCharacterTuple b _) = a > b
(WeightCharacterTuple a _) >= (WeightCharacterTuple b _) = a >= b
(WeightCharacterTuple a _) < (WeightCharacterTuple b _) = a <>
(WeightCharacterTuple a _) <= (WeightCharacterTuple b _) = a <= b
data Tree a = Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) | Leaf a
deriving (Show)
instance Eq a => Eq (Tree a) where
(==) (Node node1 _ _) (Node node2 _ _) = node1 == node2
(==) (Node node1 _ _) (Leaf node2) = node1 == node2
(==) (Leaf node1) (Node node2 _ _) = node1 == node2
(==) (Leaf node1) (Leaf node2) = node1 == node2
operateOnTwoTreeNodes operation left right =
operation l r
l=nodeFromTree left
r=nodeFromTree right
nodeFromTree tree = case tree of
(Node n _ _) -> n
(Leaf n) -> n
instance Ord a => Ord (Tree a) where
left >= right = operateOnTwoTreeNodes (>=) left right
left < right =" operateOnTwoTreeNodes">
repeats :: String -> [WeightCharacterTuple]
repeats string = quickSort $ zipWith WeightCharacterTuple counts uniqueLetters
counts = map (frequency string) uniqueLetters
frequency :: String -> Char -> Int
frequency (x:xs) c
| c == x = 1 + frequency xs c
| otherwise = frequency xs c
frequency _ c = 0
uniqueLetters = unique string
unique :: String -> String -- get the unique letters in the string
unique (x:xs) = [x] ++ unique [y | y <- xs, y /= x ]
unique [] = []
huffman :: [Tree WeightCharacterTuple] -> [Tree WeightCharacterTuple]
huffman (min1:min2:rest) = huffman newList
| length rest /= 0 = quickSort ((merge min1 min2):rest) -- TODO Sorting of the list is required
| otherwise = [merge min1 min2]
merge (Node node left right) (Leaf leaf)
| node <= leaf = Node (WeightCharacterTuple newWeight '*') (Node node left right) (Leaf leaf)
| otherwise = Node (WeightCharacterTuple newWeight '*') (Leaf leaf) (Node node left right)
newWeight = (weight leaf) + (weight node)
merge (Leaf leaf) (Node node left right)
| node <= leaf = Node (WeightCharacterTuple newWeight '*') (Node node left right) (Leaf leaf)
| otherwise = Node (WeightCharacterTuple newWeight '*') (Leaf leaf) (Node node left right)
newWeight = (weight leaf) + (weight node)
merge (Leaf leaf1) (Leaf leaf2)
| leaf1 <= leaf2 = Node (WeightCharacterTuple newWeight '*') (Leaf leaf1) (Leaf leaf2)
| otherwise = Node (WeightCharacterTuple newWeight '*') (Leaf leaf2) (Leaf leaf1)
newWeight = (weight leaf1) + (weight leaf2)
huffman x = x
quickSort (x:xs) = l1 ++ [x] ++ l2 -- items less than x + x + items bigger than x
l1 = quickSort [y | y <- xs, y <>
l2 = quickSort [y | y <- xs, y >= x] -- sorted items greater than x
quickSort [] = []
x <- getLine
let y1=unique x
let y2=repeats x
putStrLn (show y1)
putStrLn (show y2)
let y=map Leaf y2
let z = huffman y
putStrLn (show z)
return ()
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