Sunday, May 17, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
Large File support in Linux
While working on the minix fs support using FUSE, I realized that if you simply call open on a file, it fails with the "FILE too large" error if the file is > 2G
To get it to work, we need to compile the code like this
gcc -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 file.c
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Huffman Tree construction
I finally got the tree construction done -
Did not like two things though -
1. I had to write a two separate sorting functions .. Cant seem to create instance of Eq of Parametric types .
2. The pattern matching seems a little cluttered.
data WeightedCharacter = WeightedCharacter { weight :: Int,
character :: Char
}deriving (Show)
instance Eq WeightedCharacter where
(WeightedCharacter a _) == (WeightedCharacter b _) = a==b
instance Ord WeightedCharacter where
(WeightedCharacter a _) > (WeightedCharacter b _) = a > b
(WeightedCharacter a _) >= (WeightedCharacter b _) = a >= b
(WeightedCharacter a _) < (WeightedCharacter b _) = a < b
(WeightedCharacter a _) <= (WeightedCharacter b _) = a <= b
type CharacterFrequencyTuple = (Int,Char)
repeats hello
= [(1,'e'),(1,'h'),(1,'o'),(2,'l')]
repeats :: String -> [CharacterFrequencyTuple]
repeats string = quickSort $ zip counts uniqueLetters
counts = map (frequency string) uniqueLetters
frequency :: String -> Char -> Int
frequency (x:xs) c
| c == x = 1 + frequency xs c
| otherwise = frequency xs c
frequency _ c = 0
uniqueLetters = unique string
unique :: String -> String -- get the unique letters in the string
unique (x:xs) = [x] ++ unique [y | y <- xs, y /= x ]
unique [] = []
data Tree a = Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) | Leaf a
deriving (Show)
huffman :: [Tree CharacterFrequencyTuple] -> [Tree CharacterFrequencyTuple]
huffman (min1:min2:rest) = huffman newList
| length rest /= 0 = sortTreeList ((merge min1 min2):rest) -- TODO Sorting of the list is required
| otherwise = [merge min1 min2]
merge (Node node left right) (Leaf leaf)
| node <= leaf = Node (newWeight,'*') (Node node left right) (Leaf leaf)
| otherwise = Node (newWeight,'*') (Leaf leaf) (Node node left right)
newWeight = (fst leaf) + (fst node)
merge (Leaf leaf) (Node node left right)
| node <= leaf = Node (newWeight,'*') (Node node left right) (Leaf leaf)
| otherwise = Node (newWeight,'*') (Leaf leaf) (Node node left right)
newWeight = (fst leaf) + (fst node)
merge (Leaf leaf1) (Leaf leaf2)
| leaf1 <= leaf2 = Node (newWeight,'*') (Leaf leaf1) (Leaf leaf2)
| otherwise = Node (newWeight,'*') (Leaf leaf2) (Leaf leaf1)
newWeight = (fst leaf1) + (fst leaf2)
huffman x = x
quickSort (x:xs) = l1 ++ [x] ++ l2 -- items less than x + x + items bigger than x
l1 = quickSort [y | y <- xs, y < x] -- sorted items less than x
l2 = quickSort [y | y <- xs, y >= x] -- sorted items greater than x
quickSort [] = []
sortTreeList (x:xs) = l1 ++ [x] ++ l2
l1 = sortTreeList [y | y <- xs, (lessThan y x)]
l2 = sortTreeList [y | y <- xs, (not (lessThan y x))]
lessThan (Node n1 _ _) (Node n2 _ _) = (fst n1) < (fst n2)
lessThan (Node n1 _ _) (Leaf n2) = (fst n1) < (fst n2)
lessThan (Leaf n1) (Node n2 _ _) = (fst n1) < (fst n2)
lessThan (Leaf n1) (Leaf n2) = (fst n1) < (fst n2)
sortTreeList [] = []
x <- getLine
let y1=unique x
let y2=repeats x
putStrLn (show y1)
putStrLn (show y2)
let y=map Leaf y2
let z = huffman y
putStrLn (show z)
return ()
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Huffman encoding in Haskell
My attempt at Huffman encoding in Haskell ... not complete ... hardly...anyway, I now need to switch to Minix FS in fuse
type CharacterFrequencyTuple = (Int,Char)
repeats hello
= [(1,'e'),(1,'h'),(1,'o'),(2,'l')]
repeats :: String -> [CharacterFrequencyTuple]
repeats string = quickSort $ zip counts uniqueLetters
counts = map (frequency string) uniqueLetters
frequency :: String -> Char -> Int
frequency (x:xs) c
| c == x = 1 + frequency xs c
| otherwise = frequency xs c
frequency _ c = 0
uniqueLetters = unique string
unique :: String -> String -- get the unique letters in the string
unique (x:xs) = [x] ++ unique [y | y <- xs, y /= x ]
unique [] = []
data Tree a = Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) | Leaf a
deriving (Show)
huffman :: [CharacterFrequencyTuple] -> Tree Char
huffman (x:xs) = Leaf 'A'
quickSort (x:xs) = l1 ++ [x] ++ l2 -- items less than x + x + items bigger than x
l1 = quickSort [y | y <- xs, y <>
l2 = quickSort [y | y <- xs, y >= x] -- sorted items greater than x
quickSort [] = []
x <- getLine
let y1=unique x
let y2=repeats x
putStrLn (show y1)
putStrLn (show y2)
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Functional programming and Minix
Functional programming and Minix
For FP, I'm trying to do the Huffman encoding in Haskell
For Minix, I am working on getting fuse based Minix FS to work...Fuse seems interesting.