Sunday, October 4, 2009
Rails with Ruby 1.9
Quick things to keep in mind - make sure you have ssl-devel and readline installed before you begin the ruby 1.9 compilation
gem comes by default in ruby 1.9 - so no problem....
right after you build/install ruby 1.9, do a gem update --system
That'll update gem itself and then install rails by doing gem install rails
Then install gem install sqlte3-ruby
And here are the steps to set up mysql -
yum install mysql mysql-devel mysql-server
service mysqld start
chkconfig mysqld on
mysqladmin -u root password yourpassword
[root@localhost ~]# mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
mysql>; CREATE DATABASE somedb;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.09 sec)
-> TO 'myuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY
->'somepassword' WITH GRANT OPTION;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
mysql> quit
Thanks to
Saturday, August 22, 2009
1 #include <stdio.h>
2 #include <string.h>
3 #include <stdlib.h>
4 #include <math.h>
6 typedef union{
7 unsigned int integer;
8 char byte[4];
9 }intStruct;
12 typedef struct _octaveTable{
13 char symbol[3];
14 float frequency;
15 struct _octaveTable *next;
16 } octaveTable;
17 octaveTable octaveTableHead;
20 void insertOctave(char *symbol,float frequency){
21 octaveTable *node=(octaveTable*)malloc(sizeof(octaveTable));
22 strcpy(node->symbol,symbol);
23 node->frequency=frequency;
24 node->;
26 }
28 float getFrequency(char *symbol){
29 octaveTable *;
30 do{
31 if(!strcmp(node->symbol,symbol))return node->frequency;
32 node=node->next;
33 }while(node!=NULL);
34 return -1;
35 }
37 void destroySymbolTable(){
38 octaveTable *;
39 octaveTable *tmp;
40 do{
41 tmp=node;
42 node=node->next;
43 if(tmp==NULL)break;
44 free(tmp);
45 }while(node!=NULL);
46 }
50 //The Global variables used in the program
51 FILE *tempFile=NULL;
52 FILE *outputFile=NULL;
53 FILE *octave=NULL;
54 FILE *music=NULL;
55 intStruct waveLength;
56 unsigned char waveHeader[40]={
57 0x52,0x49,0x46,0x46,//RIFF
58 0xFC,0x31,0x02,0x00,
59 0x57,0x41,0x56,0x45,//WAVE
60 0x66,0x6D,0x74,0x20,//fmt
61 0x10,0x00,0x00,0x00,//fmt chunck size
62 0x01,0x00,//This is uncompressed
63 0x02,0x00,//This is stereo pal!
64 0x44,0xAC,0x00,0x00,//44100 samples per second
65 0x88,0x58,0x01,0x00,//88200 bytes per second
66 0x02,0x00,//Block align=2
67 0x08,0x00,//8 bits per sample
68 0x64,0x61,0x74,0x61//data
69 };
70 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
71 //The macros used in the program
72 #define SAMPLING_RATE 44100.0
73 #define PI 3.14
74 #define RADIAN(x) ((PI*(x))/180.0)
75 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
79 void error(char *msg){
80 printf("%s\nAborting!\n",msg);
81 exit(0);
82 }
84 void addWave(float frequency,int ticks,int volume){//tick=0.1Second
85 float radian;
86 float step=(float)((360.0/SAMPLING_RATE)*frequency);
87 int numberOfSamples=(int)(SAMPLING_RATE*ticks/100);
88 float degree;
89 int i,j;
90 char sample;
91 float attack=.2,decay=.2,sustain=.4,release=.2;
92 float tempVolume;
93 float attackFactor;
94 float decayFactor;
95 float releaseFactor;
97 int numberOfAttackSamples=attack*numberOfSamples;
98 int numberOfDecaySamples=decay*numberOfSamples;
99 int numberOfSustainSamples=sustain*numberOfSamples;
100 int numberOfReleaseSamples=release*numberOfSamples;
102 int attackSamplesLimit=numberOfAttackSamples;
103 int decaySamplesLimit=numberOfDecaySamples+attackSamplesLimit;
104 int sustainSamplesLimit=numberOfSustainSamples+decaySamplesLimit;
105 int releaseSamplesLimit=numberOfReleaseSamples+sustainSamplesLimit;
107 attackFactor=volume/(float)numberOfAttackSamples;
108 decayFactor=volume/((float)numberOfDecaySamples*2);
109 releaseFactor=volume/((float)numberOfReleaseSamples*2);
112 tempVolume=0;
117 degree=0;
118 for(i=0;i119 if(i 120 tempVolume+=attackFactor;
121 }else if(i122 tempVolume-=decayFactor;
123 }else if(i124
125 }else if(i126 tempVolume-=releaseFactor;
127 }
128 radian=RADIAN(degree);
129 sample=(char)(tempVolume*sin(radian));
130 sample+=(char)((tempVolume)*sin(RADIAN(degree+30)));
131 sample+=127;
132 fprintf(tempFile,"%c%c",sample,sample);
133 degree+=step;
134 waveLength.integer+=2;
135 }
136 }
137 void generateWave(){
138 int i;
139 char byte;
140 for(i=0;i<40;i++){
141 fprintf(outputFile,"%c",waveHeader[i]);
142 }
143 for(i=0;i<4;i++){
144 fprintf(outputFile,"%c",waveLength.byte[i]);
145 }
146 tempFile=fopen("temp","r");
147 while(1){
148 fscanf(tempFile,"%c",&byte);
149 if(feof(tempFile))break;
150 fprintf(outputFile,"%c",byte);
151 }
152 fclose(tempFile);
153 }
155 int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
156 char octaveSignature[5];
157 char symbol[3];
158 float frequency;
159 float chord[6];
161 int ticks;
162 char line[1024];
163 int volume;
164 if(argc<2){
165 printf("Usage:\n\t play MusicFile [volume]\n\n",argv[0]);
166 error("You have not specified the music file!");
167 }
168 volume=50;
169 if(argc==3){
170 volume=atoi(argv[2]);
171 }
172 printf("BlueScorpion presents...Play!\n");
173 printf("Author: kashyap\n");
174 printf("Varifying octave...");
175 octave=fopen("octave","r");
176 if(octave==NULL){
177 error("Could not find octave!");
178 }
179 fscanf(octave,"%s\n",octaveSignature);
180 if(octaveSignature[0]!='M'||octaveSignature[1]!='U'||octaveSignature[2]!='S'||octaveSignature[3]!='I'||octaveSignature[4]!='C')error("Bad octave file");
181 printf("Setting up the Octave table...\n");
182 while(!feof(octave)){
183 fgets(line,1024,octave);
184 if(line[0]=='#')continue;
185 sscanf(line,"%s %f\n",symbol,&frequency);
186 if(feof(octave))break;
187 insertOctave(symbol,frequency);
188 printf("%s=%fHz\n",symbol,frequency);
189 }
190 music=fopen(argv[1],"r");
191 if(music==NULL){
192 error("Could not open the specified music file!");
193 }
194 tempFile=fopen("temp","w");
195 while(!feof(music)){
196 fgets(line,1024,music);
197 if(line[0]=='#')continue;
198 sscanf(line,"%s %d\n",symbol,&ticks);
199 frequency=getFrequency(symbol);
200 if(frequency==-1)error("Invalid symbol encountered in the music file!");
201 if(feof(music))break;
202 addWave(frequency,ticks,volume);
203 }
205 fclose(tempFile);
207 outputFile=fopen("output.wav","w");
208 if(outputFile==NULL){
209 error("Error opening output.wav for writing!");
210 }
211 generateWave();
212 fclose(outputFile);
213 destroySymbolTable();
214 return 0;
215 }
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
Large File support in Linux
While working on the minix fs support using FUSE, I realized that if you simply call open on a file, it fails with the "FILE too large" error if the file is > 2G
To get it to work, we need to compile the code like this
gcc -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 file.c
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Huffman Tree construction
I finally got the tree construction done -
Did not like two things though -
1. I had to write a two separate sorting functions .. Cant seem to create instance of Eq of Parametric types .
2. The pattern matching seems a little cluttered.
data WeightedCharacter = WeightedCharacter { weight :: Int,
character :: Char
}deriving (Show)
instance Eq WeightedCharacter where
(WeightedCharacter a _) == (WeightedCharacter b _) = a==b
instance Ord WeightedCharacter where
(WeightedCharacter a _) > (WeightedCharacter b _) = a > b
(WeightedCharacter a _) >= (WeightedCharacter b _) = a >= b
(WeightedCharacter a _) < (WeightedCharacter b _) = a < b
(WeightedCharacter a _) <= (WeightedCharacter b _) = a <= b
type CharacterFrequencyTuple = (Int,Char)
repeats hello
= [(1,'e'),(1,'h'),(1,'o'),(2,'l')]
repeats :: String -> [CharacterFrequencyTuple]
repeats string = quickSort $ zip counts uniqueLetters
counts = map (frequency string) uniqueLetters
frequency :: String -> Char -> Int
frequency (x:xs) c
| c == x = 1 + frequency xs c
| otherwise = frequency xs c
frequency _ c = 0
uniqueLetters = unique string
unique :: String -> String -- get the unique letters in the string
unique (x:xs) = [x] ++ unique [y | y <- xs, y /= x ]
unique [] = []
data Tree a = Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) | Leaf a
deriving (Show)
huffman :: [Tree CharacterFrequencyTuple] -> [Tree CharacterFrequencyTuple]
huffman (min1:min2:rest) = huffman newList
| length rest /= 0 = sortTreeList ((merge min1 min2):rest) -- TODO Sorting of the list is required
| otherwise = [merge min1 min2]
merge (Node node left right) (Leaf leaf)
| node <= leaf = Node (newWeight,'*') (Node node left right) (Leaf leaf)
| otherwise = Node (newWeight,'*') (Leaf leaf) (Node node left right)
newWeight = (fst leaf) + (fst node)
merge (Leaf leaf) (Node node left right)
| node <= leaf = Node (newWeight,'*') (Node node left right) (Leaf leaf)
| otherwise = Node (newWeight,'*') (Leaf leaf) (Node node left right)
newWeight = (fst leaf) + (fst node)
merge (Leaf leaf1) (Leaf leaf2)
| leaf1 <= leaf2 = Node (newWeight,'*') (Leaf leaf1) (Leaf leaf2)
| otherwise = Node (newWeight,'*') (Leaf leaf2) (Leaf leaf1)
newWeight = (fst leaf1) + (fst leaf2)
huffman x = x
quickSort (x:xs) = l1 ++ [x] ++ l2 -- items less than x + x + items bigger than x
l1 = quickSort [y | y <- xs, y < x] -- sorted items less than x
l2 = quickSort [y | y <- xs, y >= x] -- sorted items greater than x
quickSort [] = []
sortTreeList (x:xs) = l1 ++ [x] ++ l2
l1 = sortTreeList [y | y <- xs, (lessThan y x)]
l2 = sortTreeList [y | y <- xs, (not (lessThan y x))]
lessThan (Node n1 _ _) (Node n2 _ _) = (fst n1) < (fst n2)
lessThan (Node n1 _ _) (Leaf n2) = (fst n1) < (fst n2)
lessThan (Leaf n1) (Node n2 _ _) = (fst n1) < (fst n2)
lessThan (Leaf n1) (Leaf n2) = (fst n1) < (fst n2)
sortTreeList [] = []
x <- getLine
let y1=unique x
let y2=repeats x
putStrLn (show y1)
putStrLn (show y2)
let y=map Leaf y2
let z = huffman y
putStrLn (show z)
return ()
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Huffman encoding in Haskell
My attempt at Huffman encoding in Haskell ... not complete ... hardly...anyway, I now need to switch to Minix FS in fuse
type CharacterFrequencyTuple = (Int,Char)
repeats hello
= [(1,'e'),(1,'h'),(1,'o'),(2,'l')]
repeats :: String -> [CharacterFrequencyTuple]
repeats string = quickSort $ zip counts uniqueLetters
counts = map (frequency string) uniqueLetters
frequency :: String -> Char -> Int
frequency (x:xs) c
| c == x = 1 + frequency xs c
| otherwise = frequency xs c
frequency _ c = 0
uniqueLetters = unique string
unique :: String -> String -- get the unique letters in the string
unique (x:xs) = [x] ++ unique [y | y <- xs, y /= x ]
unique [] = []
data Tree a = Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) | Leaf a
deriving (Show)
huffman :: [CharacterFrequencyTuple] -> Tree Char
huffman (x:xs) = Leaf 'A'
quickSort (x:xs) = l1 ++ [x] ++ l2 -- items less than x + x + items bigger than x
l1 = quickSort [y | y <- xs, y <>
l2 = quickSort [y | y <- xs, y >= x] -- sorted items greater than x
quickSort [] = []
x <- getLine
let y1=unique x
let y2=repeats x
putStrLn (show y1)
putStrLn (show y2)
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Functional programming and Minix
Functional programming and Minix
For FP, I'm trying to do the Huffman encoding in Haskell
For Minix, I am working on getting fuse based Minix FS to work...Fuse seems interesting.